Young Plant Propagation
Welcome to our Young Plant Propagation Page where professional growers can explore our premium PRO-MIX® growing media and AGTIV® biologicals, meticulously formulated to nurture robust seedlings and cuttings for optimal growth. Elevate your propagation practices and maximize productivity with our trusted products, tailored to meet the needs of professional growers.

Growing Media for Young Plant Propagation
We offer a diverse range of PRO-MIX® professional growing media tailored to meet various crop requirements. Explore our recommended solutions for young plant propagation.

PRO-MIX® HP® AGTIV® REACH™ is perfect for growers that require a growing medium with good drainage, high air porosity and low water retention. The combination of fibrous Sphagnum peat moss and a high percentage of coarse perlite makes this formulation ideal for growers who require a growing medium product that is adapted to their needs for watering flexibility and crop seasonality. PRO-MIX® HP® AGTIV® REACH™ contains a beneficial endomycorrhizae that improves plant growth. Learn more about the Open Top Grow Bag.

PRO‑MIX BX AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ is a general-purpose, peat-based growing medium that is formulated with a base of high-quality Sphagnum peat moss and perlite. This blend creates a well-balanced environment to encourage root development and favor plant growth. PRO‑MIX BX AGTIV® AMPLIFY™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth, and mycorrhizae, a beneficial endomycorrhizal fungus that supports plant root systems. *This product will be delivered in a generic bag.

PRO-MIX® FPO AGTIV® STIMULATE™ is a fine grade, peat/coir-based growing medium with fine perlite that is ideal for the germination of herbs and vegetable seeds. Its physical properties provide favorable conditions to optimize seedling development. PRO-MIX® FPO AGTIV® STIMULATE™ contains Bacillus, a bacterium that stimulates plant growth. *This product will be delivered in a generic bag. Available in Canada only.
Inoculants for Young Plant Propagation
Our AGTIV® mycorrhizal inoculant sets you up for success by enhancing crop growth, quality, yields and protection. Explore our recommended solutions for young plant propagation.

"The hardest factor to fine-tune for young plant propagation is applying the appropriate amount of water for each crop type. Apply too much, rooting is limited to weak, thin “water roots” which reduces the performance of a post-planted liner. Apply too little, cuttings dry out, and exhibit limited rooting or die. Watering is key and often cuttings are over-watered versus underwatered so a coarser growing medium, such as PRO-MIX® BX may be better than a germination growing medium. Contact your Grower Service Representative to determine which growing medium is best for you."
Horticulture Specialist