
Welcome to our Annual Crops Page, where professional growers can find the optimal PRO-MIX® growing media and AGTIV® biologicals to enhance quality and yields. Explore tailored solutions for annual crops such as begonias, impatiens, and geraniums. Improve cultivation practices with our carefully chosen selection, aimed at maximizing productivity.

Where to find our products


Growing Media for Annuals

We offer a diverse range of PRO-MIX® professional growing media tailored to meet various crop requirements. Explore our recommended solutions for annual crops.

Inoculants for Annuals

Our AGTIV® mycorrhizal inoculant sets you up for success by enhancing crop growth, quality, yields and protection. Explore our recommended solutions for annual crops.

Troy Buechel Horticulture Specialist

"Annuals are great crops that provide the end user with lots of color, textures, and forms that can complement their home or landscape. However, there are so many plant varieties that it is challenging to accommodate each crop’s individual needs. Active ingredients such as mycorrhizae can reduce the stress that occurs with minor crops that do not perform well with standard fertilization and watering techniques used for most crops. Bacillus can reduce root diseases that arise if some of these crops tend to be overwatered. All crops, especially minor crops can benefit from active ingredients."

Troy Buechel

Horticulture Specialist