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Top 5 Most Viewed Articles 2017

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Each month, our experts publish articles in which they discuss the challenges of horticultural production, whether it is floriculture, market gardening or nursery production. They also propose best practices, provide solutions to common problems, present grower profiles, etc.

This past year, the following 5 have been the most popular:


Role of magnesium in plant culture

1- "Role of magnesium in plant culture"

Magnesium is a macronutrient that is necessary to both plant growth and health. It is involved in several different processes, including photosynthesis, which nearly all living organisms are dependent on.
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Role of Manganese in Plant Culture PRO-MIXRole of Manganese in Plant Culture PRO-MIX

2- "Role of manganese in plant culture"

Although it is used in very small amounts by plants, manganese is of capital importance to healthy plant growth, like all micronutrients. Among others, it plays a significant part in the process of photosynthesis.
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Calcitic vs dolomitic limestone in PRO-MIX bales

3- "Calcitic vs Dolomitic limestone"

Limestone is often added to growing media to offset the acidity of certain components such as peat moss and pine bark.
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Ideal fertilization for vegetables and herbs in greenhouse

4- "Ideal Fertilization for Greenhouse Vegetables and Herbs"

Vegetable and herbs have similar fertilization requirements to bedding plants early in their crop cycle.
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Influence of light on crop growth

5- "Influence of Light on Crop Growth"

Plants require light for optimum growth and development, but the three different aspects of light, quantity, quality and duration, also have a significant influence on growth.
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